Classroom Management
Bridge to Belonging: CA CEC's Inclusive Education Conference

Building and Sustaining a Collaborative Educational Team: Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Improving Secondary Student Classroom Behavior with an IGC
Navigating Diversity and Inclusion in Special Education: A Conversation with Nicole, CEC Diversity Committee Member

Special Education Regional Summit

CEC's Exceptional Teacher Resource Repository

No one does more exceptional work than educators - so why not take advantage of your peer network? This database of resources is for CEC members to find expert-reviewed resources created by peers that can be used in the classroom. Resources support various learners in all kinds of formats: videos, handouts, templates, instructional strategies, how-tos, etc. Everything is reviewed by subject matter experts to ensure resources are beneficial and maintain the integrity of the work of exceptional teachers. We also encourage members to share their own resources to contribute to the field and
Early Career Special Educators Workshop

Managing Challenging Behavior 1.0: Do These Things First


Brolly is a software that digitizes special education service tracking and progress monitoring, offering a streamlined, efficient, and accurate approach to IEP management and compliance. Here’s how Brolly can benefit your district:
- Efficient Tracking: Digitally track and document special education service minutes, reducing paperwork and minimizing errors.
- Goal Progress Monitoring: Easily monitor and report on IEP goal progress, ensuring that students are meeting their objectives.
- Compliance Assurance: Stay compliant with federal and state regulations by having all necessary documentation