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Strategic Plan

Goal 1: Educators will be highly competent professionals entrusted to provide quality instruction that will enable all students to pursue their full potential.

Objective: Activity:      Who:
1- Disseminate resources produced by CEC partners, such as High Leverage Practices (HLPs) and evidence-based practices.
  1. Update social media to be able to access & to share (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
    • Develop list of NYS-relevant Twitter handles for sharing content
    • Use social media to share information provided by CEC
    • Post topical resources on NYS CEC website w/explanation (e.g., recent journal articles, book releases, etc.) 
    • Develop LinkedIn group 
  2. Create series of professional development opportunities – 3 events per year

Communications Coordinator

Supported by: Topical Committee Chairs, Vice President, Advocacy Coordinator, Leadership Coordinator

2- Address the high attrition rate of special educators and take an active role in supporting novice and experienced special educators.
  1. Create a forum on NYS CEC website, similar to CECommunity
  2. Disseminate information about CEC Mentoring availability 
  3. Incorporate networking/social events into conference & other activities 
  4. Align leadership opportunities for SETs to advanced-level professional standards 

Leadership Coordinator

Supported by: Communications Coordinator, Treasurer

3- Establish partnerships with at least three organizations

Potential organizations for outreach efforts:

  1. NYS Council of Educational Associations
    1. Attend meetings (3 annually)
    2. Identify 2 voting members (Immediate Past President, CAN Coordinator)
    3. Pay annual dues
    1. Invite representatives to attend board meetings 
    2. Invite to create webinar
    3. Include strand/collaborate on 2021 Conference
    4. Plan NYS Advocacy day w/organizations
    5. Table/attend NYS CASE & NYS DCDT conferences (Communications Coordinator, Immediate Past President)
  3. NYSED Special Education
    1. Facilitate stronger partnership with NYSED, pursue sending letters to new special educators with CEC book and cover membership for 1 year
    2. Communicate with state funded regional teams and technical assistance partnerships (former RSE-TASC, SEPC, ECDC)
    3. Maintain spreadsheet of contacts
    4. Disseminate resources to regional teams and technical assistance partnerships (Technology & Communications)
    5. Invite representative to attend board meetings 

Immediate Past President, & Advocacy Coordinator 

Supported by: Communications Coordinator


Goal 2: NYS CEC will have the capacity and capabilities required to achieve its goals and objectives.

Objective: Activity:  Who:
1- Evaluate current NYS CEC governance structure to determine whether changes should be made to meet the emerging needs of the organization
  1. Establish a strategic plan for renewing the role of NYS CEC, including establishing goals/objectives for next 3 years   
  2. Review and revise constitution and by-laws  
  3. Propose & approve changes to executive board membership and governance structure  
  4. Recruit members to the executive board and other open positions  
  5. Review strategic plan quarterly and update as needed  
  6. Ensure executive board has access to NYS CEC Dropbox account
Executive Board under direction of President
2- Establish system of topical representations to provide technical assistance and services to NYS CEC members.
  1. Establish Topical Committees w/board member assigned as liaison & current regional representatives invited to apply.   
  2. Establish policies & procedures for Topical Committees, to include:
    1. Membership
    2. Dissemination of information
    3. Attendance/participation at meetings 
Executive Board under direction of President
3- Strengthen NYS CEC’s advocacy and public policy issues dissemination process at the state and national level.
  1. Establish regular messaging to members re: changes in state & national special education-relevant policies  
  2. Collaborate with other groups to schedule advocacy event in Albany 
Advocacy Coordinator


Last Updated:  2 March, 2021

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